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Saturday, December 5, 2015

Logical relations as a proof technique — Part I

This is the part I of my lecture note based on the lecture series "Logical Relations" given by Amal Ahmed at Oregon Programming Languages Summer School, 2015. See here for Part II.

Overview. These lectures will introduce the proof method of logical relations. Logical relations have been used to prove a wide range of properties, including normalization, type safety, equivalence of programs, non-interference (in security typed languages), and compiler correctness. We will start by looking at how to prove normalization and type safety for the simply-typed lambda calculus (STLC). We will then add recursive types to STLC and develop a step-indexed logical relation, using step-indexing to ensure that the logical relation remains well-founded. We will cover polymorphic and existential types and develop a logical relation to reason about the associated notions of parametricity and representation independence. The lectures will also discuss how to establish that a logical relation corresponds to contextual equivalence.

Free theorems. In parametric polymorphism, types cannot be checked, inspected or instantiated by programs. Hence, programs with polymorphic types don't change behaviors according to their type parameters. It follows that all functions of type $\forall a.\, a \rightarrow a$ are identity functions, since nothing but the argument can be returned by the function. Similarly, all functions of type $\forall a.\, a \rightarrow Int$ are constant functions. In contrast, there doesn't exist a function of type $\forall a.\, Int \rightarrow a$, since the return value can be obtained from nowhere. Results of this kind are called free theorems, and many of them can be proved using logical relations.

Logical predicates. Unary logical relations are also called logical predicates. They are used to assert properties of one single program, such as termination. In contrast, binary logical relations are used to assert relations between two programs, such as equivalence. Note that we only put closed programs in a logical relation. By and large, to prove that a well-typed and closed term $e$ has some special property, we shall set up a predicate $P_\tau$ such that $P_\tau(e)$ holds if and only if all of the following conditions hold: i) $\vdash e: \tau$, ii) $e$ has the property of interests, and iii) the property of interests is preserved by elimination forms (or introduction forms) of type $\tau$.

Strong normalization. In history, logical relations first appeared as a technique to prove strong normalization, which means that a well-typed term always reduces to the same value regardless of the strategies of evaluation. Since typing rules in STLC are deterministic, proving strong normalization for STLC amounts to showing that every well-typed program terminates, that is, $\vdash e:\tau \implies e \Downarrow$. Observe that this statement cannot be proved by applying structural induction on typing derivations directly. The problem of induction occurs at the application rule: we cannot conclude $e_1\ e_2\Downarrow$ from $e_1 \Downarrow$ and $e_2 \Downarrow$. Nevertheless, this problem can be resolved by using a stronger induction hypothesis, which leads to the following definition of logical predicates.
We shall set up a predicate $SN_\tau(\cdot)$ such that $SN_\tau(e)$ holds only if term $e$ has type $\tau$ and is strongly normalizing. We consider two types for STLC: boolean and function types. For boolean, it suffices to define that $SN_{bool}(e)$ holds iff $\vdash e:bool \wedge e \Downarrow$, since boolean doesn't has elimination forms. For functions types, we define that $SN_{\tau\rightarrow\tau'}(e)$ holds iff
$\vdash e':\tau\rightarrow\tau'\quad\wedge\quad e' \Downarrow\quad \wedge\quad (\forall e.\, SN_{\tau}(e) \implies SN_{\tau'}(e'\ e))$.
We shall see that this definition provides the strengthened hypothesis we need to deal with the application rule. The proof of $\vdash e:\tau \implies e \Downarrow$ now breaks into two parts: A) $\vdash e:\tau \implies SN_{\tau}(e)$, and B) $SN_{\tau}(e) \implies e \Downarrow$. Part B follows immediately from the definition of $SN_\tau(e)$. It remains to prove part A, and we rely on structural induction to do this. But again, we cannot use the statement $\vdash e:\tau \implies SN_{\tau}(e)$ we are going to prove as an induction hypothesis. It only asserts closed terms, but to show that it holds for terms of function type, say, for $(\lambda x:\tau.\, e'): \tau \rightarrow \tau'$, we need the hypothesis to hold for open term $e'$ so as to perform induction.
Instead, we shall use the following stronger claim as an induction hypothesis. Given a mapping $\gamma$ from variables to values, we write $\gamma \models \Gamma$ when $dom(\gamma)=dom(\Gamma)$ and $\forall x\in dom(\Gamma).\, SN_{\Gamma(x)}(\gamma(x))$ holds. That is, $\gamma$ maps variables in $dom(\Gamma)$ to values that strongly normalize with types compatible with $\Gamma$. We claim that for any term $e$ and substitution $\gamma$,
$\Gamma \vdash e:\tau \wedge \gamma \models \Gamma  \implies SN_{\tau}(\gamma(e))$.
It is clear that part A follows from this claim by setting $\Gamma$ to be empty. Now we shall prove (2) by inducting on the derivation rules case by case.
Case $\quad\rhd\ \ \vdash true: bool\quad$ and $\quad\rhd\ \ \vdash false: bool$.
 Note that $\gamma(x)=x$ for $x\in \{\,true,\,false\,\}$, which is of course strongly normalizing.
Case $\quad\Gamma(x)=\tau\ \ \rhd\ \ \Gamma \vdash x:\tau$.
 By premises $\Gamma(x)=\tau$ and $\gamma\models\Gamma$, $\gamma(x)$ has type $\tau$. Thus $SN_{\tau}(\gamma(x))$ holds by $\gamma\models\Gamma$.
Case $\quad\vdash e': \tau\rightarrow\tau'$, $\vdash e: \tau\ \ \rhd\ \ \vdash e'\ e: \tau'$.
 Note that $\gamma(e'\ e)=\gamma(e')\ \gamma(e)$. By premise $\gamma\models\Gamma$, both $SN_{\tau\rightarrow\tau'}(\gamma(e'))$ and $SN_{\tau}(\gamma(e))$ holds by induction. Thus $SN_{\tau'}(\gamma(e')\ \gamma(e))$, which equals to $SN_{\tau'}(\gamma(e'\ e))$, holds by (1).
Case $\quad\Gamma, x:\tau \vdash e':\tau'\ \ \rhd\ \ \Gamma\vdash\lambda x:\tau.\, e': \tau\rightarrow\tau'$.
  This is the case we got stuck with before introducing logical predicates, so it is not surprising that the proof for this case is far more complicated than others. Before we proceed, we need the following two lemmas:
Lemma 1. (substitution lemma) If $\Gamma \vdash e:\tau$ and $\gamma \models \Gamma$, then $\Gamma \vdash \gamma(e):\tau.$
Lemma 2. (SN is preserved by forward/backward reductions) Suppose that $\vdash e:\tau$ and $e \hookrightarrow e'$. Then $SN_{\tau}(e)$ holds if and only if $SN_{\tau}(e')$ holds.
To prove (2), i.e., $\Gamma \vdash \lambda x:\tau.\, e' \wedge \gamma\models\Gamma$ implies $SN_{\tau\rightarrow\tau'}(\gamma(\lambda x:\tau.\, e'))$, it suffices to prove the following three statements:
1) $\gamma(\lambda x:\tau.\, e')$ has type $\tau\rightarrow\tau'$. This follows by premise $\gamma\models \Gamma$ and Lemma 1;
2) $\gamma(\lambda x:\tau.\, e')\Downarrow$. This is obvious, since $\gamma(\lambda x:\tau.\, e')=\lambda x:\tau.\,\gamma(e')$ is a lambda value;
3) $\forall e.\,SN_\tau(e)\implies SN_{\tau'}(\gamma(\lambda x:\tau.\, e')\ e)$. By induction, we know that $\Gamma, x:\tau \vdash e':\tau'$ and $\gamma'\models \Gamma, x:\tau$ implies $SN_{\tau'}(\gamma'(e'))$. Suppose that $SN_\tau(e)$ holds for some $e$. Then $e\Downarrow v$ for some value $v$, and $SN_{\tau}(v)$ holds by Lemma 2. Given premises $\Gamma \vdash \lambda x:\tau.\, e'$ and $\gamma\models\Gamma$, define $\gamma'=\gamma[x \mapsto v]$. Note that $\gamma'\models\Gamma,x:\tau$. Thus $SN_{\tau'}(\gamma'(e'))$ holds by induction. However, note that
$\gamma'(e')=\gamma(e')[x \mapsto v]=(\lambda x:\tau.\,\gamma(e'))\ v=\gamma(\lambda x:\tau.\,e')\ v$.
It then follows from $SN_{\tau'}(\gamma'(e'))$ and Lemma 2 that $SN_{\tau'}(\gamma(\lambda x:\tau.\,e')\ e)$ holds. This concludes our proof of strong normalization for STLC.

(End of lecture note Part I. See here for Part II.)

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